Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mural Restoration - Day 3 / Cheviot Hills, CA

Another day under the "sun-umbrella" is not bad... 

I began day 3 with patching and filling in some damaged cracks on the wall 
This was a fairly easy patch and went on rather easily.  The tough part was waiting for it to dry, but there were plenty of other areas for me to focus on while it did.

I cleaned, patched and primed another section.

I cleaned and restored the painted umbrella

I painted and blended a section of the sky...  can you see the old paint compared to the new?
Hopefully when it is dry they will blend well.

I gave the beach blanket some new life too.  I'm not sure what color it was originally, but it is now yellow.

I got the outline and general position of the little girl back in place, and have some shaping and details to work on.  The section of sky above her head is where I will start next time.

The big question...  Can you see the patch and the crack???   I consider that alone to be one of the biggest challenges accomplished.  One more day of painting and this lovely scene is finished!

Ah, the sky and the ARCH are now patched and blended too.

Day 3, Complete!

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